Monday, February 23, 2009

So, this is for people like Bethany and Linz...and everyone else who continuously encourages me to become a blogger...we will see how this goes...

I sit here starting this when I should be doing something productive with my time, but my friend and I have been talking about starting a blog for our church, to more easily share praises and updates with all you who are no doubt tired of waiting for months at a time, then getting a book or two. We figure between the two of us, we can keep it up regularly and reach more ppl.

That being said, I kind of figure I should try to start on my own before I start on one much more important...that way I can learn on this one and do a better job on that...and I can share other random personal information that you all want to know on this that would be better left unsaid on the church site.

sorry for the lame start.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you here! I am sort of a slacker right now. Andy leaves in just a few days, so the internet has taken a back seat. Give me a few days, and he will be gone... then the internet will be my best friend! (and perhaps only link to sanity?)
    Anyway, I am thrilled that you have joined the blogger world. I'll be watching for updates.
    Love you!
