Friday, April 15, 2011


So, I am pretty sure my 17 year old just said she couldn't believe someone good looking would be attracted to me.  Not what she meant, but definitely the way it came out.  She saw a picture of a guy who liked me once upon a time (or at least claimed to) and her response, "Wow, he's really cute.  I wasn't expecting that!"...THANKS JESS!

Okay, i know that isn't what she meant, but really?  Did you have to sound so surprised?  Makes me feel like i am less appealing or less attractive than even i thought i was....oh well.  The good thing is I know she did not mean it that way, but it still kind of stung a bit.

The kicker of the week is this though:  After coming from the mall and buying prom dresses, Easter dresses, flipflops and who knows what else, I hear a rustling in the backseat like something is being openned.  Turns out to be a thing of lipgloss from one of the stores we just left, but i am told it came from the treasure box at school.  REALLY!?! b/c it has the name of the store we just bought your too expensive for a child flipflops.

Remaining very calm (outwardly) i give a chance to come clean, but she is adamant.  So i tell her i will check and if she is lying she will be in even more trouble than if she tells me day...after checking with teachers (b/c i said i would even though i knew the answer) i give yet another change to fess up and get the same story (with slight variation).  REALLY!?!  Are you sure that is the answer you want to stick with?

Verdict:  letter about punishment of stealing to company, essay on why stealing is wrong, essay on why lying is wrong, no radio or friend down the street for 2 days, will have to go to store and admit to stealing, pay for it (but not get it--i will find something to do with it i am sure), pay me $5 for gas (which is going to cost me more than that) and a long discussion on why all this is wrong...then a trip to Marble Slab for underserved icecream and a talk about GRACE...

Is this what I signed up for?  REALLY!?!...I guess it is, and I still have no doubt that, even with the challenges, we are all going to grow out of this..who knows, maybe i'll become a real adult for a change?

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